For business owners and leaders who are stuck and plateauing

Learn How I'm Using "Acorn Thinking" To Help Business Owners Save 10+ Working Hours A Week. Reduce Stress. Boost Profits

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"Stephen's strategies helped me make $50k within weeks of working with him."

- Keilan Clark

Owner at Rain Gear Pro


The Shocking Results From 103 Recorded Conversations With Business Owners And Leaders

Short-termism is killing your performance in life and business.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve worked with dozens of business owners and created positive results... but I've also spoken with well over 120 potential clients, and 103 of those conversations were recorded.

Because of this, I already know what your struggles are...

Here's the thing, if you’re into stats and data, you’ll know that 103 conversations would be considered a significant data set. Plus, most Ph.D. students only use a data set of 20 to 30 conversations if required to support their thesis.

So you could say I have a Doctorate in client conversation calls… I joke… but the data I have collected shows some significant findings...

Out of those 103 calls, 100% of people were unclear about their personal future goals. At the same time, 95% were unclear about their high-dollar work and plans for their business.

Unfortunately, I kept hearing the same stories repeated: always fighting fires, never having time to do key work, not being present during family time, and lacking motivation and momentum, etc.

Now… everyone I spoke to wanted a bigger, better future, but these were described in vague terms.

In fact, speaking with business owners who were not focused on their personal or business goals shocked me.

But what were they focused on?

Well... The short term.

You’ll relate to this if you're looking for support… you’re stuck maintaining what you have and are unclear about what you want or how to get out of your rut so you jump from thing to thing, idea to idea, and process to process yet still feel like you're in the same place.

You relate, right?

Ultimately, the struggles in all 103 conversations came down to... reactive Short-termism. 

Yes, other barriers and elements were mentioned in the calls depending on the individual, but the common theme was clear...

There were no structured foundations, longer-term plans or as I frame it, Acorn Thinking being used.

So, this is one of the first issues we fix inside the Acorn Thinking Matrix.



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Episode 60: How you hold yourself back... Are you the bottleneck? 


Episode 61: Is 90 the new 365? Why 90 day sprints are magic


Episode 62: How your identity helps you succeed in life

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