How to dominate your next 3 months
May 11, 2023Let’s talk about getting more done before August than you’ve done in the last year.
Welcome to the SPS Newsletter.
This week's newsletter is 100% tactical.
I want to share steps that will help improve your self-performance so you can scale your business.
No fun personal stories this week, sorry, I know how much you all love them.
“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.”
-Earl Nightingale
If I was frustrated with my self-performance and business.
Here’s the 5 steps I would use to save 10 working hours a week and make an extra $50k to $100k before August.
Wow, that image is hard to read.
Below you'll find separate sections.
But first...do these steps work?
In the past 6 months, I've helped multiple business owners save 10 hours a week and add a minimum of $50k in 90 days.
I have the video testimonials on my website if you want to check them out.
Let’s expand on the steps and look at each section individually.
Step 1. Build Foundations:
Define what success looks like for you.
You can't dominate your days, weeks, and months if you don't know what you want.
The first step is to get specific. Build key pillars for your life. And tap into all the gains you have stacked over the last few years.
Step 2. Performance Enhancer:
Get focused on what matters most in your business.
You have to identify your high-value and high-$$$ activities.
You have to identify what fuels you.
The work and projects you flow with because you find them enjoyable and they make you money.
And importantly...
Figure out all the dumb sh*t you do and stop doing it.
Step. 3 Key Activities:
What you need to do each day and week.
To dominate your next 3 months you need to take action daily.
How do you do that?
With Big Rocks and daily work sprints.
Select 15 rocks/tasks for each week.
Select 3 rocks for each day. Each task takes about 60-90 mins. Spilt larger tasks down to fit this framing.
Work in 90-minute sprints.
Do two before lunch and one after. These sprints are for your 3 big rocks and should focus on high-$$$ activities in your business.
Step 4. Remove Barriers:
Your real barriers to progress will appear after you take action not before.
Mental...emotional...physical. You will face barriers from one if not all three areas as you sprint to take action.
One of the best strategies to overcome barriers...
Fear Setting
Use this exercise to overcome any barriers. Write out the worst-case scenarios of your barriers. Come up with a logical plan for those worst-case scenarios.
You should see that 99% of your barriers are mental noise and BS.
Step 5. 90-Day Sprints:
Each quarter should feel like one years worth of growth.
Ask yourself...
What 3 BIG business targets do you want to hit in 90-days?
What daily standards do you need to improve to hit those targets?
Then select milestones for each BIG target you set.
Pick ones for:
• 7 days
• 30 days
• 60 days
Use these to track your progress and adapt your plans.
You win with a plan you lose without one.
One of the biggest takes aways I have after coaching business owners for two years...
The ones who are struggling lack solid short-term plans.
Some are dialled in for work but are out of sync in their personal lives. Many are flying by the seat of their pants in both areas.
This 5-step process pulled and adapted from my PRO-Accelerator Coaching Program will help you win.
You can do it yourself...
If you want help to save 10 hours a week while making an extra $50k to $100k before August.
Consider partnering with me.
In the last year, I have helped biz owners:
• Save 10hrs
• Make more $$$
• Improve their focus
Let's see if I can help you!
Big Love,
Maximizing your self-performance and transform residual pain into peak performance with my bespoke one-to-one coaching program... where I will help you make swift and lasting changes with my Future You Matrix
The most effective way to make swift progress...
On: How To Transform Residual Pain Into Peak Performance To Focus On The Right Work At The Right Time
For Business Owners and Leaders: A definitive guide to removing mental and emotional clutter and aligning with the right activities in under 90-days
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