Episode 67: Unlock peak performance by defining your future identity

Let’s discuss putting identity first... and the 10-month gap in episodes.

Welcome to the SPS Podcast

"What got you here.... won't get you there."

— Unknown


After 12+ years of focusing on self-improvement and 3+ years of coaching clients one-on-one…

I know this is the foundation of all lasting change.

What is it?

Future Identity First.

And why is that?

All your visions, goals, and standards are downstream of knowing who you want to be and where you want to go.

And the bonus to that is…

Knowing your future identity makes it easier to shift your behaviours. Allowing you to become the best version of yourself today or at least sooner. And allowing you to fall in love with your life again. 

Think of Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness... his character, Chris, went from lost and broke to finding success... all because he saw the type of person he wanted to be and pursued it with passion.

Imagine this…

You spend most of your days chasing your tail. You wake up and you slide straight into distractions. From social media noise to hour-long meetings that should’ve been 15 minutes or an email. You often think to yourself…

There’s gotta be a better way.

But frustratingly this reactive loop continues daily.

You’re plagued by mistakes and missed opportunities of the past.

You’re constantly weighed down with the feeling you know you could be performing at higher levels.

You stop making changes because you think…

What's the point?

I get it… I’ve been there...

Every new pivot you take…
Every new system you try… 
Every surge of momentum on a Monday...

Turns into a slow trudge through the same old mental and emotional BS by Wednesday.

And this is where future identity first comes in.

It’s the foundation for more direction, flow, and momentum.

How and why?

As I mentioned earlier… all your plans… energy… and wins… are downstream of a clear future identity.

It has to come first if you want to make lasting changes.

When you get your identity dialled in... it allows you:

→ To build performance plans to get clear on your highest priorities

→ To remove the fog of uncertainty from your daily and weekly actions

→ To get clear on activities aligned with your direction and which ones are not (you can drop those fast)

It’s like a shortcut to improved performance while also being the best way to do it.

The results of putting Identity first?

My clients have told me this has helped them: 
→ Spend more time with family 
→ Improve business profits and revenue 
→ Remove mental and emotional pain holding them back

For me personally…

Being clear on my identity helps me align with the best version of who I want to be daily. It helps me drop the mental and emotional noise that used to lead to destructive habits. It helps me zone in and get into flow more often.

I’ve never encountered another system, hack, or optimization strategy... that is more effective than creating a powerful future identity and working back from it.

Life-changing would be an understatement.


Stephen links:

Future You Matrix:


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Big love, 

Fan of Identity first.