Episode 69: Are your coping mechanisms holding you back?

Let's discuss: Are your coping mechanisms holding you back?

Welcome to the SPS Podcast

"Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem."

- Virginia Satir

It’s 7:43 pm. You decide you should spend an hour cleaning up some emails... getting through some basic tasks to get a head start on tomorrow…

Walking by the kitchen, you grab a beer and think… “I might as well make it fun.”

When you get to your home office… you decide to pop on some sports highlights and think… “I can do 2 or 3 things at once.”

One hour passes…
One beer turned into two...
Only a handful of emails got sorted...
Sports highlights became the main focus.

You get frustrated and decide to just watch sports and enjoy the night before going to bed.

Have you been there?
Do you do this often?

Say you will do a quick 30-minute to an hour’s worth of night work… but end up spending hours doing nothing.

The beer might be a white wine… and the sports might be K-drama.

But often… you combine your stress-coping mechanisms with your work. This is dangerous on two fronts…

First… you don’t get any work done, which increases your mental and emotional pain.

Second… you don’t get any rest because of split attention. And your coping mechanisms are not the healthiest.

I’ve seen this story play in many ways with many different clients…

It’s not always drink and TV. It’s any time you mix work with an activity you usually do to relax. I’ve even had a client try to do busy work while hanging out with his kids. You can guess how that went… not great.

This pattern is so common… it’s one the first things I go hunting for when I start working with a client.


Because far too many smart business owners trap themselves in their own actions.

And I don’t see many other coaches in the performance space... directly targeting these bad habits or mental open loops that far too many tolerate.

Here’s a blunt truth…

In the last 5 years… I’ve hired one-to-one coaches (a few times). I’ve been in many cohorts and communities. I’ve bought many programs and books about business and performance.

And 95%+ of these all focused on...
-> Creating new systems
-> Starting new projects or habits
-> Or following a cookie-cutter process that is not that related to your current pain.

It kinda pisses me off… to be fair.

You see…

My mission is to provide business owners with the best path forward to improving their results and energy... so that they spend more time doing the things they love about their lives.

And the easiest way to do that is… remove the dumb sh*t that is slowing you down.

The kicker here…

Understanding which of your habits and coping mechanisms are sabotaging you…

Is the “easy button” to improve your performance.

Remove those... you will improve...

And the fastest way to do that is to have a coach in your corner... who is more concerned about your development than their process.

If you’re tired of sabotaging your focus and performance with your own actions... let’s talk.


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Big love,
Fan of remove to improve.